The download process went without a hitch. The Boost Volume By settings information is particularly helpful since it helps you make sure the sound quality is good. There didn't seem to be a Help file, but there's information on the application you can toggle over and it's just as good. It took nearly 2 hours for that, which was a downside. The longest we had to wait was for a 15-minute video we wanted to download and convert to the Apple iPod Touch format at the highest quality.
The wait varies from one video to another, and it largely depends on which format you choose as well. All you have to do is insert the YouTube URL, click Find, then choose which format you want to convert the video to. You can download and convert a video for a specific device, so you can view your videos on your iPhone, Android, and other devices.
The greatest feature is the list of format options. The Fastest Free YouTube Downloader is an application for downloading and converting videos from YouTube into a number of formats to be viewed on your PC, Mac, or other supported devices.